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Levi's First Haircut

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Stephanie has been trying and trying to get me to agree. "But look at it! It's all over his face. He can't even see!" I still didn't want to cut it. It's falling out everywhere else but the very top. Why cut it off when there's only that one patch on top?

But over the past week or two, several random strangers have made comments about our cute little "girl." The straw that broke the camel's back was the guy at Great Beginnings calling him a "princess." That's enough. Time to trim the troupe.

I would love to make a slideshow displaying the evolution of Levi's hair...but right now I don't have time. However, at 4:00 today we will be broadcasting LIVE from Levi's house for his first ever haircut. If you want to witness this momentous occasion, just click on this link a little before 4:00 today (November 14).
