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Sustaining a life...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Generally speaking, I had a really easy pregnancy. Minimal nausea. Moderate backache. Extreme (yet short lived, which made it tolerable) heartburn. Sustaining a life was, generally speaking, pretty easy. I knew it would get a little bit more difficult to sustain the life once he entered the world, but I knew with Michael by my side and once we got into a routine it'd most likely be pretty easy. And for the most part it has been. Levi is one chill kid. He cries when he wants something (a blanket, some food, a diaper change, a position change). But once he is soothed, we get to enjoy faces like this:

I had made the decision to breastfeed Levi very early on for a few reasons:

1- It's free (and I'm not getting paid maternity leave).
2- It's convenient.
3- I HATE HATE HATE the smell of formula.
4- It couldn't be that hard. Women have been doing this... well, forever. Why couldn't I?

Within the first hour of his birth, we (Levi and I) started our journey down the breastfeeding path. It didn't go so smoothly. Marissa (our labor & delivery nurse) talked me through our first try - but Levi didn't seem to latch on properly and I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't as easy as it was when I practiced with a doll at the breastfeeding class we attended. Everything I learned went out the window as I frantically tried to feed my son. Marissa assured me that it would get easier. Fast forward four hours or so (it was now 3am). No latch on. I was starting to panic. Put him back in! Sustaining this life was MUCH easier when he was inside. After 40 minutes of sleep in 24 hours, I was awoken by a voice over the intercom reminding me of the breastfeeding class at 8am. I jumped out of bed and off we went. I got a few helpful tips and FINALLY Levi latched on like a pro - SUCCESS! When we left our temporary home at Shady Grove, I felt very confident that I was able to sustain Levi's life with my breastmilk.

Things didn't go according to plan once we got home. I was EXTREMELY sore and Levi lost 10% of his birth weight (which our doctor said was ok - but we had to get it back up). Suddenly, sustaining this life wasn't as easy anymore. Breastfeeding wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be. No one warned me how difficult it was - how much it would hurt (not that I'm blaming anyone - I just wasn't prepared for it). On his fifth day of life, the doctor suggested pumping my breastmilk every other feeding to give myself a chance to heal and relax. So I did and I felt SO much better. Once I started the pump, I didn't want to turn back. I was able to relax again. I wasn't wincing at the thought of feeding Levi. And Michael (actually, anyone) could feed him, too. I made myself believe it was a win - win situation. Levi was getting my milk (and not formula) and I wasn't in pain.

But deep down I was crushed. I was missing out on this amazing bonding experience that everyone talks about. Instead of looking down at his adorable face, I was attached to a machine. Instead of enjoying alone time with Levi, I was in the kitchen washing bottle after bottle. It amazes me what the female body has to go through to sustain a life. There is no rest for the weary. Women labor to bring the baby into the world and then, without a second of rest we are expected to sustain the life (without a manual). I'm not saying that men have nothing to do with raising the baby (I've said it before and I'll say it again - Michael is AMAZING with Levi), but when it comes down to it - it's on my shoulders to keep him nourished. Yeah, yeah there is formula, but I really did not want to go down that path (see reasons listed above). I continued pumping for the next 28 days, sometimes as often as every two hours. On average, the dishwasher was run twice a day. I was growing more and more impatient with the pump and my hatred for formula was slowly diminishing. It couldn't be that bad.

By Thursday, June 24th, I had frozen over 80 ounces of milk - not bad! Around 7pm on the 24th, I went into the kitchen to prepare a bottle for Levi and realized nothing was clean. I was so exhausted, I threw in the towel. I picked Levi up, went into the nursery and said to him, "Levi - we're going to do this. I'm going to be brave and work through the pain and you are going to latch on like a champ". I was brave. And he latched right on. I'm happy to report he's had 4 bottles since that night.... It was painful at first but we've really made progress.

I know that if it didn't work out and we did have to go to formula, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. I know he'll grow up to be a strong man no matter what he drinks. But I'm thrilled to be able to say that since August 24th, 2009, I have sustained his life, inside and out of the womb.

Happy Father's Day, Michael!

Sunday, June 20, 2010
We love you so much!!
Stephanie, Levi, Carrie & Mitchell

spoke too soon

Friday, June 18, 2010
Ever since I posted about how great Levi has been sleeping, he's decided to take cat naps throughout the night.....

So, no more talk about sleep. Unless it's to comment how cute he looks when he's dreaming...

Sleeping like a baby....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I can't help but wonder who came up with the saying "sleeping like a baby" and what they intended it to actually mean. My interpretation is someone who is soundly sleeping, with no chance of being disturbed. Before Levi arrived, the most common advice people would give me was to get my sleep while I can. So wouldn't the saying be misleading? According to all of you out there, babies don't sleep. At least not at night and not for an extended period of time. I mean yeah, Levi is super cute when he dreams, but I really expect him to wake at any moment (because of what people have told me). I'm probably jinxing us - but Levi is actually "sleeping like a baby". He has slept over 7 hours straight the last three nights in a row (8 hours straight the last two nights!!). I don't know if it's because we wake him every two hours throughout the day to feed him or if we're just blessed with a "good" sleeper, but whatever the reason, I love it.

Sleep dreams, Little Levi....sweet dreams :)

A day in the life of Levi David...

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Levi writes about a typical day....

12:01 am - I sleep soundly in this massive box in between these two white humps. It doesn't let me move around at night because Mommy and Daddy are afraid I'm going to roll over onto my face and not be able to roll back over (Steph here - we got him a sleep positioner - he actually likes to be on his side to sleep. This way, we know he's not able to roll onto his stomach). I also have noticed there is this fuzzy animal that watches over me all night long. I'm not sure if I like him so much. I feel like he should be able to make noise, or something (Steph here - this fuzzy creature is his Sleep Sheep (which Michael and I have named "Kevin" - don't ask) and can make noise - we have three choices: "mother's heartbeat", "rainforest" & "ocean". We haven't actually needed to use it because Levi falls asleep on his own pretty well).

Anywhere from 12:45 am - 4:30am - I get hungry and have to scream my head off until Mommy & Daddy come and get me. Geesh! It seems like they take a long time to get over to me.....I think I wake them up! Mommy and Daddy do a good job of getting me back to bed about 45 minutes after I wake them up. I'm typically still really tired and want to sleep more!

Anywhere from 5:30 am - 9:00 am - I'm awake again and wanting more food. Sometimes after I eat, I go right back to sleep. Sometimes I stay awake and look around because I'm starting to be able to see things that are close to my face.

10am - all of this work is exhausting - back to sleep for me!

11am - ugh - just when I was getting to the good part of the dream, M&D wake me up to eat again. After I stretch for about 10 minutes, I realize I was hungry and am happy that Mommy & Daddy woke me up!

This sleep/eating pattern goes on for the next 8 hours or so...it's so hard being me! I'm drinking lots of Mommy's milk - just about 2.5 ounces every two hours. It's so yummy and is making me grow big and strong. On my 3 week birthday (6.13.10), my weight was up to 8 pounds, 5 ounces. Mommy & Daddy were VERY excited about this.

M&D tell me all the time that I have a good plumbing system. I really don't like when they change the cloth-like thing that covers my bottom half....so sometimes I decide to pee when that thing is off. Sometimes I get it on Mom & Dad, which is my goal...Take that! Unfortunately, I do hit myself on the head quite often.....I'm sure I'll get better aim when I get older.

By the time it turns real dark outside (around 8pm), I'm ready to go back into the big massive box to start dreaming again. Daddy does a really good job of wrapping me up tight in blankets so it feels like I'm still in Mommy's tummy. I love when he does this. It makes me feel like I'm at home.

Things are going really well so far. I love my Mommy & Daddy - I can tell they love me a lot, too!

Here are some recent pictures of me!

Levi, Day 15

Monday, June 7, 2010
Nothing to say, just look at that face..

Expect the unexpected

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I think when any woman finds the man of her dreams, one of the criteria for an amazing husband is how they will be as a father. Can you picture yourself raising children with this person? Will he be a fun, cool dad with the ability to lay down the law when needed? There was no question in my mind that Michael was going to be a good father. He works with kids every day. When he reads a story, he does voices for the different characters. His general concern for Amy's (his younger sister) well-being could have been viewed as over-protective but really he just wanted to her to be safe and happy. If he felt this strong about his sister, I could only imagine how he'd feel about his own children.

The title of this post shouldn't suggest to you that I was doubting Michael's ability to be a dad. Any expectation that I had of Michael as a father - he's far exceeded. In the 13 days since Levi has arrived, Michael has not only been a rock for me (I've been an emotional mess) but he's been amazing with Levi. Watching the two of them interact makes my heart smile.

Michael, I love you with all my heart. Levi is one lucky kid to have you as his Daddy.

Levi's Weight

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Birth (5/23/10): 7 pds. 14 oz.
Day we left hospital (5/25/10): 7 pds. 6 oz.
First doctors appointment (5/27/10): 7 pds 1 oz.
Weight Check appointment (5/29/10): 7 pds 5 oz.
Second doctors appointment (6/2/10): 7 pds 8 oz.
Weight check (at home) (6/3/10): 7 pds 11 oz.
Weight check (at home) (6/5/10): 7 pds. 15 oz.
Weight check (at home) (6/13/10): 8 pds. 5 oz :) :) :)
Weight check (at home) (6/20/10): 9 pds.
Weight check (at home) (6/27/10) 9 pds. 10 oz
Weight check (at home) (7/4/10) 9 pds. 15 oz
Weight check (at 2 month appointment) (7/23/10) 10 pds 11 oz
Weight check (at home) (8/11/10) 11 pds 8 oz