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Sleeping like a baby....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I can't help but wonder who came up with the saying "sleeping like a baby" and what they intended it to actually mean. My interpretation is someone who is soundly sleeping, with no chance of being disturbed. Before Levi arrived, the most common advice people would give me was to get my sleep while I can. So wouldn't the saying be misleading? According to all of you out there, babies don't sleep. At least not at night and not for an extended period of time. I mean yeah, Levi is super cute when he dreams, but I really expect him to wake at any moment (because of what people have told me). I'm probably jinxing us - but Levi is actually "sleeping like a baby". He has slept over 7 hours straight the last three nights in a row (8 hours straight the last two nights!!). I don't know if it's because we wake him every two hours throughout the day to feed him or if we're just blessed with a "good" sleeper, but whatever the reason, I love it.

Sleep dreams, Little Levi....sweet dreams :)

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